Message me for the online meeting link. Come see the handwriting samples, watch or participate in the discussions! Its always interesting!
We are discussing Rhythm in Handwriting. Join us online! Not a member, no problem: email [email protected] for the Zoom Cloud Meeting invite to this really cool event!
![]() The Handwriting Analysts in our study group are finishing up a months long look at where we can find compatibility in the writings, what makes people happy, and what can drive them nuts. Join us as we review some actual handwritings and discuss them! Tonight, online, between 6-7 PM Pacific/ 9-10 PM Eastern. Combining Gestalt and Trait Stroke Methods![]() Two schools of Handwriting Analysis have always been kept separate, until now! Linda Larson presents a compelling discussion of how to use the best of both methods in this Conference video. FLASH SALE, this video is only $11.99 from now until Jan 15th. Send $11.99 by PayPal to [email protected] for immediate access! More on the List of "Numbers"![]() The American Handwriting Analysis Foundation study group meets this evening at 6PM Pacific (that's 7 PM Mountain, 8 PM Central, and 9PM Eastern.) Due to the wonderful response to our talk about the "Numbers" test, we have more samples to go over. Come and explore this little exercise using the handwritten columns of numbers rather than handwriting to explore human behavior. Join us! Not already on our Online Meeting list? Then please email [email protected] to be sent an invite to this session! ![]() Humans behaviors are seen in everything we do. When we write, we leave that trail of behavior on the page. Tonight, we will apply those principles to the handwritten lists of numbers. Join us for the American Handwriting Analysis weekly study and discussion group where we will explore this at a normal pace, and what happens under stress! 6PM Pacific / 7PM Mountain / 8PM Central / 9 PM Eastern. Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: The American Handwriting Analysis Foundation Study Group will be discussing handwriting samples and will be looking at Tattle Tale T's. Please join us tonight, Tuesday, July 25, at 6PM Pacific, 7 PM Mountain, 8PM Central, 9PM Eastern. If you need access to the booklet on Tattle-Tale T's, click here. Send in any samples for discussion to [email protected]. Join us!
AHAF EducationWe are an educational group dedicated to helping people learn about patterns and personality through written behavior; and the uses and applications of this tool in business today. Archives
August 2018
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