Research Group
One of the biggest issues for all graphologists is that the field has not conducted validating research in years. Psychology and other scientific domains insist that even their current principle beliefs must be validated every 10 years. This is to verify the same principles apply in consideration of evolving technology and medications. But, graphology has not kept up the research that other domains require, and has suffered the label of a pseudo-science because of it.
This group will work to understand research, how to conduct research, and even practice creating a very simple and authentic research project to verify the accuracy of handwriting analysis. We also hope to discover and keep a record of recent graphological research from around the world. Suggested Projects we may create would be
RE: Scientific Proof - Proof is incompatible with science which is, by its nature, provisional and self-correcting. (McCombs 1996). Only Math has proofs. |
Join us!
The Research focus of our Study Group is always on the 5th Tuesday. There are not as many 5th Tuesdays throughout the year, but please join us!